Master Bedrooms 2018

Master Bedrooms 2018

It's time to discuss The Block 2018 master bedroom reveals. Isn't this just the best part of your week? I love nothing more than seeing all of the photos hit my inbox as I wonder which teams came out on top.

The other thing I wondered when I heard it was master bed week was 'how will they make these grander than the guest rooms?'. And upon seeing the images I've gotta confess that many of the teams fell short. Simply having a larger space doesn't make a master room a master room. There are many elements that make for a sense of grandeur, and size is only one of them.

I think it's best we crack out the fine-tooth comb and go through each of the rooms. And don't forget to scroll to the end of this post to enter to WIN a $100 Block Shop voucher .

the block 2018 master bedrooms hans and courtney master bedroom with pink upholstered bed the block 2018 master bedrooms hans and courtney velvet armchairs

Hans and Courtney went a Step too Far

Like Ray Liota's plastic surgery, Hans and Courtney's master bedroom went a step too far. I mean, it didn't go the full Jocelyn Wildenstein, but they could have been far more conservative with the overall scheme in the space.

I do enjoy a white, pink and charcoal colour palette. It's quite a dreamy, romantic combination. But the pink tones need to be the accent, not the main attraction in the room. For example, that divine upholstered headboard is a star in its own right. But in a space with an equally rich and punchy set of occasional chairs, both lose their impact.

To add insult to injury, the bedscape then featured blush, burgundy and mustard cushions. It was a visual feast I wasn't quite ready to consume. The remedy here is to take out some of the pink (I'd have made the bed a soft grey or chalky blue) and give the walls some wallpaper. I know, I say this every week. But honestly…

Where is the wallpaper?

The wall that the head of the bed sits against would have benefited greatly from a wallpaper in a subtle pattern. Because if you take a look at the room again, it's absolutely void of pattern. And that's another reason it feels overwhelming and yet kinda flat at the same time. Too much colour, not enough pattern. There's no journey for the eye to go on. No detail. No interest. Just big, bold splotches of colour that don't really do anything positive for the space.

It's a shame, because I do see potential here. The round mirror is gorgeous, the pendants are lovely. Those bedsides are luscious but feel a bit small for the room. In fact, I like every piece of furniture and decor in this space. They just haven't been used thoughtfully.

the block 2018 master bedrooms bianca and carla feature wall the block 2018 master bedrooms bianca and carla bedroom art

Prediction: Bianca and Carla will Clean up at Auction

I need to say this about Bianca and Carla: they'll likely rake in the most cash this season and they deserve every penny. These girls have a very distinct and recognisable aesthetic and it's consistent across the entire home. I knew the moment I saw the images of their master bedroom that it was their master bedroom. This is how you win The Block, dear contestants. You go in with a clear direction and you have the guts to follow through with it.

What I also find so impressive is that they're bold enough to try big moments in a room. They did it in the master bathroom (which is also going to help them clean up come auction day), and they did it again here. The feature wall behind the bed in this master bedroom made me very happy. While every other team plonked furniture against a blank white canvas, Bianca and Carla delivered something quite unique.

The colour palette here is moody and masculine, but still varied enough to not overwhelm. The flooring is a design moment in itself and I will be rolling around on it when I walk through the space. The bedding is beautiful, the headboard is divine, the side tables are absolute perfection and I love the wacky, unexpected and yet chic-as-hell light that extends right over the bed.

Their aesthetic is probably quite divisive (you either love it or hate it), but these girls are delivering the only magazine-worthy design moments of the season. This master bedroom is inspirational for so many reasons and in my humble opinion it deserved the win!

the block 2018 master bedrooms norm and jess master bed with gold pendants the block 2018 master bedrooms norm and jess master bed

Jess and Norm Tied with Bianca and Carla?

Riddle me this dear reader: why did Jess and Norm tie with Bianca and Carla this week? Did I miss something these photos don't capture? Did Bianca and Carla fail in an area that Jess and Norm shone in? I mean not to insult Jess and Norm personally, of course, but their master bedroom design has nothing on B&C's space.

This is an example of what I was saying above: teams just plonking a bed on top of a blank canvas and calling it a day. That doesn't make for a master bedroom. It's an all-white space with a bed in it. I don't see a lot of design here and I don't think it feels grand or impressive. In case you weren't picking up on the vibes I'm throwing out here, let me clarify: this was the worst room of the week for me.

This is The Block 2018 master bedrooms. The moment to pull out the big guns. And I feel this bedroom just doesn't cut it. The palette feels rather juvenile (teenage boys room) and those pendant lights, while I am gushing over them because they're absolutely amazing, don't work in this space. They feel quite crammed in on such a small wall.

There's also no rug under the bed, there's no mood in the space, the quilt cover feels rather sad, and the scale of the headboard looks odd. The list really goes on and on. This is the first time I've said this since the House Rules reveals, but I think I need a Bex and a good lie down. Am I wrong?

the block 2018 master bedrooms kerrie and spence master bed the block 2018 master bedroom reveals kerrie and spence sheer curtains

Kerrie and Spence felt a bit Norm and Jess to me

I hate sounding so neggo during a Block recap but you come here for the honesty and so I must dish it out. This master bedroom from Kerrie and Spence features all of the same issues as Norm and Jess' room did. I'm a bit baffled by the scoring, but perhaps it has a lot to do with the robes? That's all I can put it down to because the room itself is quite bland.

I've said it before but I'll say it again: a bed plonked against a blank canvas does not make for a master bedroom. Where is the mood and the colour on the walls? Where is the wallpaper?

Seriously, why has no team used wallpaper? No team. We've done two lots of bedrooms and no wallpaper. Most teams also seem afraid of any paint colour that's not white. As I've said in weeks gone by, we viewers look to The Block for wow moments, for inspiration. Lead us into new design territory, teams! Bianca and Carla are the only ones close to showcasing anything new and interesting.

In terms of the positives, I can actually enjoy the bed in this room. It's lovely. The shutters are also a nice choice in this room. And I do like the artwork. But it's just not going far enough. This feels like a new-build home you've just moved into and you ran out of money to finish it off.

The sheers are also too dark for this room. Not sure what happened there. And lastly, those pendants feel quite interesting but the way they've placed them over the bed makes them look like shower heads.

the block 2018 master bedrooms hayden and sara bedroom with blue feature wall the block 2018 master bedrooms hayden and sarah master bed with blue headboard

Hayden and Sara Deserved the Praise

I found myself getting sucked into the drama of The Block this week thanks to seeing snippets of it on Gogglebox. I swear I said I'd never watch a show about people watching shows, and yet there I am every week glued to Gogglebox!

But drama aside (to remain completely design-focussed and unbias), I have to say that Hayden and Sara delivered a wonderful master bedroom this week. The colour palette was lovely, the styling was top notch, there was a wonderful sense of mood and ambience in the space, and get this: THEY PAINTED A WALL BLUE! It's not quite wallpaper, but it's the next best thing. Praise the Lord.

I really like the headboard. It gives the space the sense of grandeur a master bedroom needs. The bedsides are equally impressive and I do enjoy the lamps as well. I mean, I would have preferred pendants to elevate the zone more, but we can't have everything. The styling on the bedside table was lovely, the bedding was styled quite well, and the artwork on the wall was also a stunner.

I would have changed the colour of the bench seat at the end of the bed because it all feels a bit too blue. And installed pendants. But apart from that, this room is a winner. I still think Bianca and Carla are the true winners here, but Hayden and Sara came in a very close second for me!

the block 2018 master bedrooms hans and courtney upholstered pink headboard


Every Sunday night I'll be giving you the chance to win a $100 voucher for The Block Shop. The winner will be announced in next week's Block recap (right here on the blog), where you can then enter again to win. Repeat each week until the end of the season. How exciting!



Simply pop a comment below telling me what you thought of The Block 2018 master bedrooms. It's that easy!

Comp open to Aus residents only. Comp closes 7pm Sunday September 9.

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45 Responses

  1. Most of those rooms just didn't feel like master rooms. Even though Bianca and Carla's room is a little too dark for my personal style, it is still stunning and I totally agree, they just overall have that complete and well designed feel! That wall is just so impressive, just the feel of a pattern just makes a massive difference. I know why you bang on about wallpaper now haha.
    I am in love with Hayden and Sara's room though. Dark blue with white and grey and I'm won over! I adore the bench seat as a piece on its own, but I agree, too much blue. What colour bench seat would you have put? Would a grey that's darker than the grey of the carpet look nice?

  2. I loved the art work in hans and Courtney's room I would love to have that art work in my bedroom, it's all about personal taste. All the masters seemed a bit white and plain for me but I guess that gives the new owners room to place personal touches and own style.

  3. I actually liked Jess and Norm's way of styling the bed with all the cushions and layering 🙂

    The grey bedroom was way too grey for me!

  4. I too thought that Carla and bianca had the best room this week. I am lusting after that quirky long-arm lamp. Divine.

  5. very disappointing effort this week, so blerg! This is a gorgeous old building and to not pay homage to it with some real luxe is a sin! Not much to crow about at all teams

  6. Not much going on with any of the rooms this week for me.. Hayden and Sarah would have had my vote but still doesn't have the vavoom you would expect from The Block. I would have loved to see some textured wallpaper and some cutting edge furniture with some punch. Those aircon vents should not be a feature in any room. Looking forward to kitchen week and hoping they all blow us away with their vision in the room considered the heart of the home.

  7. Yes with all the beautiful wallpaper out there now why wouldn't one of the couples use it, didn't really like any of the rooms this week

  8. I was so excited for master bedroom week and watched thinking "blah". Rooms were uninspiring, boring even and I really was disappointed, that for bedrooms that should have us rushing out to purchase that cushion, linen set or wallpaper to reproduce in our own homes, made me question, do these teams actually know anything about design and style and what a "master" bedroom evokes.

  9. They were all different, I think Bianca and Carla did the mcst with different textures and surfaces, though none had the wow factor for me.

  10. Love bianca and carla master bedroom. I think it is different from the rest. Very contemporary and flow with the rest of their house design. Maybe a bit of colour on the bed linen and voila! it will be a perfect room to relax and snooze.

  11. I really liked Hans and Courtney's master bedroom. The warm colours and soft pink bedhead were beautiful. I wasn't keen on the round mirror as it didn't fit well in the narrow space and the ceiling fan didn't seem to match either. It wouldn't take much to make the room even more incredible!

  12. I thought all the bedrooms were a bit Naff… I didn't see one with a Wow factor. I feel there is just no personality this series.. They all need to start taking risks and show some guts.

  13. Oh Chris you know how I love to debate these kinds of things. I'm with you though. I'm just absolutely gobsmacked by the very lack of design elements & features! I mean, where's those unique ideas and out of the box additions, like the boys Andy & Ben in 2016 when they cleverly added that triangular window that reflected light from bedroom to ensuite. Genius!
    I mean define 'luxury' (which might I add, these apartments should very well be..!)
    A ceiling to floor full glass window to take in that amazing view? An amazing rug?
    How about adding a luxury 'steam shower room' fully equipped with gorgeous tiles, the latest fittings, a tiled seat area and gorgeous minimalist digital control panel. Similar to the one on 'Pretty Little Liars' that Spencer hops into. (Season 3 Ep20 if you want to take a peak).
    Even wallpaper is lacking severely. I mean we've come a long way from Dea & Daz's 'Seagrass' wallpaper. BUT if I had to choose a room it would be Carla & Bianca's room. I'm into dark & moody right now.
    C'mon PEOPLES now get it together. Get those creative juices flowing. Think outside 'the block'!!!

  14. I just think they went all out this year. The bedrooms are just to dream about. I would certainly recommend anyone and everyone to buy what is on offer.

  15. I felt that the rooms were all fairly white and plain, with a few pictures on the walls. I think they needed to really lift the rooms and give them some wow factor. They're nice rooms, but none really stood out this week,

  16. The Block 2018 master bedrooms were a mixed bag for me
    Some bland some quite lovely
    hard to decorate to suit the markets need
    but I like some colour and texture I do concede
    perhaps when the whole house is done
    the bedroom will be in context to the whole reveal to everyone

  17. They were all defn very safe rooms – they tried to showcase luxury and serenity but it came across in dribs and drabs – not much WOW factor. I did love Sara & Hayden's the most. The use of Navy made if feel cocoonish in an elegant way…the detail on the bedhead and plush velvet teamed with soft white curtains…it felt very grown Up! I didn't mind the soft artwork either – the judgest thought it wasn't luxe enough but I thought it was pleasant!

  18. It was interesting seeing the different styles created.

  19. I just loved the velvet pieces. There is just something about those pops of velvet that won me over. Other than that they were pretty average, but .. in saying that i would happily accept them as my bedroom.

  20. Chris I absolutely loved Bianca and Carla's Master Bedroom it was sophisticated and sexy. The colour palette whilst masculine it also included elements that created a sultry feminine feel…which is perfect for their prospective buyers… Personally I felt that they deserved the win as opposed to Sara and Hayden… Sara and Hayden's room was 'nice' I would have preferred to see a beautiful textured wallpaper as opposed to a 'blue' wall… and felt that the colour palette was nothing new… too much of the same… Courtney and Hans had some good ideas I felt that they lost their way in the execution… their room with its size could have benefited from a bold textual wallpaper married with softer furnishings. I did not like Norm and Jess's choice of pendants they were too big for the space and the colour palette was 'blah'… it really lacked sophistication and was not all luxurious. Finally Kerrie and Spence delivered a room that lacked feeling … I did not get the sense that they thought about how they want buyers to 'feel' when they enter the bedroom… The workmanship was flawless however in my experience buyers want to 'feel' something when they walk into a house… The only team in my view that achieved this was Bianca and Carla.

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Master Bedrooms 2018


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